
5 Ways to use DE in the Bathroom
Here are five fabulous ways to use your DE in the bathroom.
1. Sprinkle microfine grade DE in a warm bath for softer skin - shop it here
2. Add DE to the toilet bowl as an abrasive cleaner
3. Make a natural toothpaste using DE - read our recipe below
4. Use superfine or regular grade DE as a body scrub in the shower - buy it here
5. Make a natural deodorant using DE - try out the recipe from our blog below
More bathroom uses:
Cleaning and deodorising - DE can be used as a natural alternative to chemical-based cleansers. It can help remove dirt, grime and stains from bathroom surfaces such as sinks, bathtubs, and toilets. Sprinkle a small amount of DE onto a damp cloth or sponge and scrub the desired area. It also helps eliminate odours by absorbing and neuralising them.
Absorbing moisture - Bathrooms are prone to excess moisture, which can lead to mould and mildew growth. DE can absorb moisture in the air, reducing humidity levels and inhibiting the growth of these undesirable substances. Place small bowls of DE in damp areas, such as under the sink or in the corners of the bathroom, to help control moisture.
Pest Control - DE is effective in controlling certain pests that may be present in the bathroom such as ants, cockroaches, and silverfish. It works by dehydrating and damaging their exoskeletons. Apply a thin layer of DE along baseboards, behind sinks, or in cracks and crevices where pests are likely to hide.
Polishing and scrubbing - Due to its abrasive nature, DE can be used as a gentle scrubbing agent to remove soap scum, stains and hard water deposits from bathroom fixtures, tiles and grout. Mix DE small amount of water to form a paste and apply it to the desired area. Scrub gently with a sponge or brush, then rinse thoroughly.
Diatomaceous Earth to Detox the Body
Diatomaceous earth works like a natural detoxifying agent within the body, killing parasites and viruses that can contribute to illnesses while also helping to clean the blood. It’s also inexpensive, simple to use and much safer than many store-bought detox products or plans. Some of the benefits of using DE internally include reducing odours, helping to curb gas, cleansing the digestive tract, boosting liver function and absorbing harmful toxins within the blood.
How does DE work to help with detoxification? Silica works similarly to antioxidants found in high-antioxidant foods because it retains its traits as a stable particle even while continuously suspended in a liquid medium, allowing it to fight free radical damage. It’s broken down into a colloidal form, which acts as a detoxifier for the blood since it carries an electrical charge that attaches to free radicals and other harmful toxins. Silica particles can then neutralize the charge of free radicals and remove them from the body through sweat, urine and faeces, which slows oxidative damage and has anti-aging effects.
Using Diatomaceous Earth as Deodorant
It's worth noting that diatomaceous earth primarily helps control odours associated with sweat. However, it may not have the same antiperspirant effects as commercial deodorants that often contain ingredients like aluminium compounds, which temporarily block sweat glands.
While diatomaceous earth can be a natural alternative for some individuals, it's essential to consider your skin's sensitivity and any potential allergies before using it as a deodorant. If you experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.
As a deodorant, diatomaceous earth works by absorbing moisture and neutralizing odour-causing bacteria. The fine powder-like texture of diatomaceous earth allows it to absorb moisture from the skin and create a dry environment, which can help to reduce the growth of odour-causing bacteria. It is also believed to have some antibacterial properties, which can further help to control odours. While it can help absorb moisture and control odour to some extent, its effectiveness may vary depending on the individual's body chemistry and the intensity of physical activity.
Overall, diatomaceous earth is a natural and effective alternative to traditional deodorants that contains potentially harmful chemicals. However, it may not work for everyone, and some people may experience skin irritation or other adverse reactions. As with any new product, it is important to test it on a small area of skin before using it more widely.
Body odour can be tamed naturally with non-toxic, food grade Diatomaceous Earth. DE does not contain as much alkaline as baking soda based deodorants and individuals who experience sensitivity to it prefer to use Diatomaceous Earth instead.
In an upcycled jar combine:
1/8 cup Microfine powder food grade Diatomaceous Earth
1/3 cup cornstarch
1/4 cup unrefined, melted coconut oil.
Mix the dry ingredients first. Slowly drizzle melted coconut oil into powder and mix thoroughly.
To personalise, add a scent of your choosing!
Diatomaceous Earth can be used as a toothpaste
When using diatomaceous earth as a toothpaste, it's important to note that it is not a substitute for traditional toothpaste recommended by dental professionals. Diatomaceous earth lacks certain essential components found in regular toothpaste, such as fluoride, which is crucial for strengthening tooth enamel and preventing tooth decay.
However, proponents of using diatomaceous earth as a toothpaste claim that it can help with teeth whitening and removing stains due to its abrasive nature. The fine particles of diatomaceous earth have a mildly abrasive quality that can help scrub away surface stains on teeth. It is believed to work similarly to other whitening toothpaste or natural remedies like baking soda.
To use diatomaceous earth as a toothpaste, follow these steps:
Choose food-grade diatomaceous earth: Ensure that the diatomaceous earth you are using is specifically labeled as food-grade. This ensures that it is safe for human consumption.
Wet your toothbrush: Moisten your toothbrush with water, just like you would with regular toothpaste.
Dip the toothbrush in diatomaceous earth: Dip the moistened toothbrush into the diatomaceous earth powder. You only need a small amount, as excessive abrasion may damage tooth enamel.
Brush your teeth: Gently brush your teeth using small circular motions, paying attention to all areas of your mouth. Avoid brushing too forcefully to prevent gum irritation.
Rinse thoroughly: After brushing, thoroughly rinse your mouth with water to remove any remaining diatomaceous earth particles. Ensure that you have completely cleared your mouth of any residue.
Follow up with regular toothpaste: It is essential to follow up with regular toothpaste to ensure you benefit from the necessary fluoride and other oral health benefits it provides.
For a natural, non-abrasive, and chemical free toothpaste use our microfine DE!
Simply mix together in an upcycled jar:
2/3 cup microfine DE
2 tsp baking soda
10-15 drops of peppermint oil
coconut oil - add to achieve your desired consistency
Adjust the ingredients to make your perfect toothpaste - you could even personalise it by adding different flavoured oils.
Diatomaceous Earth for scabies
Scabies, which is a skin infection caused by exposure to the itch mite, can be passed from one infected person to another through social contact or through contact of the infected person’s belongings. The mites burrow into the skin causing an irritating rash. It is very important to begin treatment immediately, if anyone in the family or household believes they have been exposed to the Scabies mite. This stops the cycle before it can spiral out of control. Individuals should understand that a Scabies outbreak can occur at any location, regardless of social status or ethnicity and the best method of reducing its prevalence is to seek treatment as soon as possible.
Scabies present a problem in many homes all over the world. Though it is more common in lower socio-economic regions, it is in no way limited in those areas. For example, within some areas of Australia the prevalence in adults is 25% and in children it is 50%, some indigenous areas see a prevalence as great as 70%. It is very important to begin treatment immediately, if anyone in the family or household has been diagnosed as having Scabies.
Resulting Rash from Sarcoptes Scabiei
While they are extremely annoying in the first stages, scabies can cause more serious health complications. An infestation can quickly get out of hand, if no action is taken. Hyper-infestations of the itch mite, as it is often called, causes a more severe infection to develop which is referred to as Crusted Scabies. This may also lead to secondary infections such as lymphangitis, cellulitis, and/or boils.
Microscopic Sarcoptes Scabiei
Scabies are actually an irritating epidermal infection caused by a species of mite known as Sarcoptes scabiei. These pests burrow under the subcutaneous layer of the skin and the skin reacts by erupting with a rash of itchy red bumps and/or blisters. Approximately one hour after fertilization, the female itch mites tunnel into the skin to lay their eggs in the subcutaneous layers.
Once the female evacuates the tunnel she lays approximately 2 to 3 eggs per day in this incubation environment. The actual incubation process requires around 48 hours to complete. The most ideal region for the young seems to be within hair follicles as they can feed on the oils secreted there until they mature and continue the cycle. Scabies are much like the mites which cause mange presented by domestic pets and wild animals.
Transmission and Symptoms
Sarcoptes Scabiei can live 24 to 36 hours without a human host, which is not as long as other pests, but long enough to allow them to spread rapidly. An example is the bed bug which can live without a human host for anywhere from 20 to 400 days. The itch mite does not have the ability to fly or jump; however, are transmittable through contact with infected individuals or clothing. Animals do not contract and, therefore, do not transmit scabies.
Sarcoptes scabiei can also be transmitted by contact with infested towels, clothes, bed sheets, or any other type of item made from cloth. To be absolutely sure do not touch items, if the contaminated person has been in contact with them for 5 days or less. Those who have had Scabies previously will generally present with symptoms within 1 to 4 days; however, the first time patients may not present with symptoms for as many as 6 weeks.
Decontamination and Treatment
Place all contaminated items in a tightly sealed plastic bag for at least one week, send them to the dry cleaners, or put them through the hottest wash cycle and highest dry cycle for no less than 30 minutes to eradicate mites, larvae, nymphs, and eggs. Any and all carpets should be thoroughly sprinkled with Diatomaceous Earth and allowed to remain for at least 3 or 4 days. Carefully vacuum the entire area and repeat until the symptoms and itch mites disappear. All of the procedures must be completed in conjunction with personal treatment in order to effectively eradicate the infestation.
Although no specific rate has been scientifically tested here are some guidelines as to the rates of application
To effectively combat the beginning stages of contamination sprinkle about 1 kg per 80 m2 or about 12 grams per square meter.
If the infestation is extreme use up to 24 gms per square meter.
Remember to treat furniture as well as the inside of vehicles.
Wash and dry or seal all throw rugs, blankets, and plush toys in an air tight bag.
Do not neglect treating all foot wear and handbags.
Treat mattresses by sprinkling with DE.
Most of the suggested and effective personal treatments must be trough a prescription from a licensed physician and chemist. It is extremely important to consult professional assistance to be sure of the diagnosis and prescribed treatment in the case of infants. While there are prescribed chemical treatments, there is a natural and safe method which is effective. Diatomaceous Earth is not only used successfully as an environmental treatment, but many individuals say that is effective as a personal treatment as well.
Many individuals say that they have had great success with using DE to treat Scabies by implementing it into their diet or applying it to the skin.
Application to the skin is easy as using normal talcum powder. It is recommended that this is applied in the evening before bed and left overnight, the next morning shower or wash as normal. DE will have a slightly dehydrating effect on the skin, however it has been found to be helpful in dealing with the scabies bug. Customers have reported a significant reduction in the itching associated with scabies. A number of applications are most likely required until the scabies has cleared up.
If you choose to consume the DE as well the most common recommendation is to begin with 5 mL diluted into 250 mL of water. Continue to increase this dose until 15 to 30 mL is being consumed each day or Scabies symptoms have cleared.
It is believe that consuming a regimen of Diatomaceous Earth assists the body in detoxification and the elimination of unwanted internal parasites which gives the immune system a boost. Many experts insist that a compromised immune system, especially from a poor diet can make people more vulnerable to Scabies. It is essential to understand that all of these individuals stress the importance of only using food grade Diatomaceous Earth for this type of regimen.
Diatomaceous Earth is a white powder made of ancient water fossils and is used by a very large portion of the entire world for a number of purposes. Our DE, which is safe, non-toxic, and natural is never treated with harsh chemicals. One of our excellent products is called DE-Microfine and is Diatomaceous Earth that has been milled to the consistency of 10 microns making it perfect for treating a Scabies outbreak. It may be used with confidence dry or wet.
DE for an all Natural Hygiene Regimen
There are many wonderful uses for Diatomaceous Earth. This one product can replace an entire household of harsh chemical substitutes. Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth can be used confidently within the home, in the garden, and on the farm. Those who are in the process of eliminating toxic chemicals from their lives should examine the wide range of uses.
Tooth Powder
There are two ways to use Diatomaceous Earth as a toothpaste. One is to sprinkle your regular toothpaste with it each time that you brush. Another is to start from scratch and make your own natural, non-toxic tooth powder. The latter will eliminate the harsh chemicals found in commercial toothpaste such as fluoride. While consumers are assured that the fluoride levels in commercial toothpaste are safe, they are also warned not to leave it within reach of young children. One standard size tube of commercial toothpaste contains enough fluoride to produce toxic effects in a small child weighing around 10kg. This is set at 5 mg/kg body weight. The average child of this weight is at least somewhat mobile. A tooth powder may be made combining one part DE to two parts baking soda. The Diatomaceous Earth assist the teeth through remineralization and is an abrasive which helps to remove set stains.
Finely milled Diatomaceous Earth may be used as a safe and gentle exfoliator. DE naturally contains natural minerals which nourish the skin such as zinc; calcium; copper; magnesium; phosphorus; and selenium. Combine enough water and finely milled, food grade Diatomaceous Earth to create a spreadable paste. Use circular motions to lightly massage the paste into the skin. Allow to remain on the skin for about two minutes. During this time, the DE begins to dry and pull impurities from your face. Use a soft, warm cloth to remove the paste using the same circular motions to gently exfoliate the skin.
Natural Deodorant
Body odor can be tamed naturally with non-toxic, food grade Diatomaceous Earth. DE does not contain as much alkaline as baking soda based deodorants and individuals who experience a sensitivity to it prefer to use Diatomaceous Earth instead. Combine 1/8 cup Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth, 1/3 cup cornstarch, and 1/4 cup unrefined, melted coconut oil. Mix the dry ingredients first. Slowly drizzle melted coconut oil into powder and mix thoroughly. Store in a tightly sealed, preferably glass, container. Apply to the underarm area with your fingertips.
Final Thoughts 
Diatomaceous Earth may be sprinkled into your socks and/or shoes before putting them on each day. DE safely absorbs the moisture from your feet and in your shoes. Fungal infections thrive in dark, warm, and moist environments. Not only does Diatomaceous Earth wick away the moisture, it also contains antifungal properties.